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Buckland, Rob / Scott, Andy
Cafe Europa (2005) for Clarinet and Piano. An Album of Ten Modern Pieces (Originalstücke).

  • Buckland, Rob: Cafe Europa
  • Scott, Andy: Tango
  • Buckland, Rob: Hymn
  • Scott, Andy: No Worries
  • Buckland, Rob: Travellin' Light
  • Scott, Andy: Serene in Green
  • Buckland, Rob: Lucky for Some
  • Scott, Andy: Gatecrash
  • Buckland, Rob: Another Aria
  • Scott, Andy: Ardnagashel

  • Café Europa is a colourful compilation of ten modern pieces for clarinet and piano. The album is the result of collaboration between two members of the Apollo Saxophone Quartet, Rob Buckland and Andy Scott. Together they have created a stimulating range of pieces whose witty titles hint at the quirky, crisp writing for the intermediate clarinetist with a sense of adventure.

    Instrumentierung:  Klar,Pno
    Kategorie: Alben (Klarinette,Piano)

    1 2 3 4 5
    sehr leicht
    sehr schwer

    Preis:   23,50 €

    (inkl. MWSt - zzgl. Versandkosten)

